First branch in Alabama files for union election!

Anniston becomes first branch in Alabama to file for union election.
Vote is on October 9!
Our union energy keeps spreading. Last week the team at the Anniston, Alabama branch delivered their union announcement letter and filed for an election. The National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) has scheduled their vote for Wednesday, October 9th. Their vote will make 21 union branches at Wells Fargo. Let's cheer them on!

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Support Casper, Wyoming Branch as they get ready to vote on September 26!
The team at the Casper, Wyoming branch will help us reach another milestone when they vote on September 26. They will become the 20th union branch across 13 states! Pretty amazing. In a letter to coworkers at branches in the Wyoming district, Andy King, an Associate Personal Banker, debunked anti-union myths being spread by managers and shared why they were organizing. Here's an excerpt:
"One of the things I have heard the most from this anti-union campaign is how much our leadership actually listens to our voice, and care about our well-being. The reality is they will listen to what you have to say once just to get you to stop talking about it, provide no solutions or compromises, and then forget about you and your problems.
Prior to our decision to unionize, I raised my concerns about a lot of issues going on in my branch, some listed here, and I was told by a leader close to our team that if I didn’t like it, then I should just go find another job. I started here when I was 19, I’ve spent a lot of time developing here and growing relationships for the company that will probably far outlast my time here, and to see after 5 years of time and commitment how much I was valued - was disheartening to say the least.
Every leader we have raised issues with either doesn’t have the power to fix our problem, or even better, they just don’t even care enough to try."
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Non-Branch Union Election: The Conduct Management InTake Team Begins Voting on October 10!
The Investigators in the Conduct Management InTake Team will begin voting on October 10. The election will be conducted both in-person and by mail, depending on where workers are located. Since the Team of 48 Investigators is spread out across the country, the NLRB has stipulated a hybrid election process. Investigators who work in the St. Louis Park, MN and San Antonio, TX corporate offices will vote in person while everyone else will have three weeks to return their mail-in ballots.
Do you work in a non-branch department? You can organize too! Contact us now to get started.
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Have you watched our new video yet?!

Watch it, share it with your coworkers and then contact us to learn more about organizing your branch or non-branch today!
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Wells Fargo in the News
>> Wells Fargo's latest regulatory rebuke may prollong asset cap punishment, analysts say. Reuters. September 13, 2024
>> Wells Fargo in trouble with regulators again. WSOC-TV (Charlotte) September 15, 2024.
>> OCC hits Wells Fargo with AML enforcement action. Banking Dive. September 12, 2024.
>> OCC Issues Enforcement Action Against Wells Fargo. Office of the Comptroller of the Currency.
Question of the Week
Question: My manager says forming a union is a mistake. Why don't Wells Fargo executives want us to form a union?
Answer: It should be obvious by now that whatever your branch manager has told you about unions is not coming from them. They have been handed a script by union busters hired by Charlie Scharf to persuade you against forming a union. In fact Branch Managers have told us that they are being directed exactly what to do and what to say to employees by HR and senior managers. Nothing negative about unions is coming from Branch Managers. It's coming from the higher ups. And they're telling Branch Managers that this is now part of their job - to convince you that forming a union is a bad idea.
So the question is, why does Charlie Scharf care so much about whether you want to form a union?
More than money, it comes down to Charlie Scharf wanting to retain complete control and power over all Wells Fargo employees. He already sets all of the bank's policies and tells all of his managers what to say and what to do. Forming a union is a threat to his control because remember, YOU and our coworkers are the union. Do you really think Charlie Scharf has your best interest in mind, or just his? We're pretty sure you already know the answer to this question.
We will bring you the Top #WFunion updates each week. To suggest an update or request other content for this newsletter, please Contact Us.
Are you ready to stand with us and make positive change at Wells Fargo? Email us at [email protected] today!
Rancho Bernardo Branch in San Diego, CA filed for union election
Lake Elsinore CA Branch files for union election