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Spotlight on WF antiunion actions in Wash DC

Spotlight on Wells Fargo's Anti-Union Actions Conduct Management worker helps introduce bill to strengthen workers' rights

On March 5, Kier Cuadras, Investigator in Wells Fargo's Conduct Management Intake Department was invited to speak at the press conference reintroducing the PRO Act. The PRO Act is legislation that would sharpen the teeth of the National Labor Relations Board so it could better enforce our right to form and join unions. Kier represented her coworkers by sharing her story and how Wells Fargo management has tried to intimidate her and her coworkers into not forming a union.

Kier and her coworkers in the Conduct Management Intake Department did not buckle under the pressure. On November 1, a majority of the Investigators in the Intake Department voted YES to form the first ever union in a non-branch department at Wells Fargo. Unfortunately, Wells Fargo has been playing games and not respecting their vote. Wells Fargo has refused to honor their vote by refusing to begin contract negotiations, even after the NLRB certified the results of their election. Wells Fargo then tried to delay again by requesting that the NLRB review the election certification.

On March 11, the NLRB issued an Order denying Wells' request because "it raises no substantive issues warranting review," taking away Charlie Scharf's excuses. Let's come together and send Wells Fargo a strong message to stop playing games and begin contract negotiations now!

Wells Fargo has been bargaining for the union branches. So why won't Wells Fargo start bargaining for the Conduct Management Intake Department too?!

Watch and Sign our petition demanding Wells Fargo bargain a fair contract Now for the Conduct Management Intake Department

Sign Our Petition

WATCH: Kier Cuadras from Conduct Management Demand Wells Fargo Respect Workers Rights!

Kieran Cuadras Wells Fargo Workers United

2 California Branches Get Union Election Dates

Two branches in California have union election dates coming up!

  • March 24 - The Lake Elsinore branch at 29265 Central Avenue in Lake Elsinore
  • April 9 - Rancho Bernardo branch at 16901 Bernardo Centre Drive in San Diego.

You can show your support by signing up for a Union 101 Class. The classes are confidential and on zoom. You'll learn about your labor rights, what employers are not allowed to do, how to protect yourself from retaliation, how to build power by joining with your coworkers.

What are you waiting for? Sign up for an upcoming class today!

Sign Up for Union 101 Class

Watch: "We can fight organized greed with organized labor"

Wells Fargo Workers United

Sign up for Union 101 Class

Wells Fargo in the News

Do you like Podcasts? The Rick Smith Show is one of the top Labor Podcasts. On todays episode, Rick Smith interviewed our very own Kieren Cuadras from Wells Fargo's Conduct Management Intake Department about our fight to make Wells Fargo better for everyone. You can listen to it here or on your Podcast App.

The Rick Smith Show, March 13 Episode, Kieren Cuadras from Wells Fargo Workers United-CWA

Wells Fargo cuts back from Boise, Idaho, closing branches and layoff call center workers. Idaho Statesman, David Staats, March 12, 2025. "Wells Fargo notified a federal bank regulator that it will close its branch at 4630 W. State St. in Boise’s Collister neighborhood and its branch at 1400 S. Vista Ave. in the Depot Bench neighborhood. Separately, the bank also disclosed the layoffs of 55 workers at a Boise call center."

Question of the Week

Question: What is the PRO Act?

Answer: The Protecting the Right to Organize (PRO) Act restores fairness to our economy by strengthening the federal laws that protect workers’ right to join a union. Our nation’s labor laws are woefully outdated and provide too many opportunities for employers like Wells Fargo to plan games and not comply with the law. Current labor law also makes it too easy for employers engage in anti-union talking points and union busting by retaliating against workers who exercise their right to form a union, and get away with it. Considered the most significant worker empowerment legislation since the Great Depression, the PRO Act will fix this problem.

If you want a deeper dive, check out this fact sheet authored by the Economic Policy Institute, "Why workes need the protecting the right to organize act"

If you have additional questions or ideas for future newsletter stories, please email us at [email protected]

We will bring you the Top #WFunion updates each week. If you have additional questions or ideas for future newsletter stories, please email us at [email protected]

Are you ready to stand with us and make positive change at Wells Fargo?  Email us at [email protected] today!