Union accuses the bank of unlawful tactics

Wells Fargo violates labor law, refuses to bargain with Conduct Management Intake
Wells Fargo executives must be terrified of the Conduct Management Intake Department because executives continue to refuse to bargain with the group of Investigators who won their election back on November 1. The NLRB certified the election on December 2 but Wells Fargo then requested a baselss review of the certification on Christmas eve.
After WF refused to honor a formal request to begin bargaining, WFWU-CWA immediately filed Unfair Labor Practice (ULP) charges against the bank.
Diana Pena, a San Antonio-based investigations associate who was part of the organizing committee and voted to unionize, expressed frustration and outrage by Wells' tactics. "They keep pushing that they'll bargain in good faith, but they're not doing it," she said."It's going to be a challenge, but we're sticking to it. We're not backing down."
Sign our petition to CEO Charlie Scharf demanding Wells Fargo start bargaining with the Conduct Management Intake Department NOW:
Sign our Petition

[WATCH] Don't fall for Wells Fargo's anti-union Talking Points

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Do your own due diligence about unions. Sign up for a Union 101 Class right now!
Want to learn about your right to form a union and gain some new skills? Sign up for one of our upcoming Union 101 Classes. Charlie Scharf got his raise. The only way we will get a fair raise is if we keep joining together!
Register for Union 101 Class
Wells Fargo in the News
"Wells Fargo union accuses the bank of 'unlawful' tactics." American Banker, Catherine Leffert, February 7, 2025
"Fed ends two regulatory punishments imposed on Wells Fargo in 2011." Reuters, Pete Schroeder and Nupur Anand, February 4, 2025.
Take our new survey: Is WF Compensation System Rigged?!
Are you worried sales pressure is returning to Wells Fargo? So are many of your coworkers as managers are increasingly coaching if you don't produce more 'sales outcomes'. Managers are increasingly hovering over Tellers and pushing NBCs (next best conversations). After the fake accounts scandal, management promised to clean up the toxic sales culture that caused untold physical and mental stress to thousands of Wells Fargo employees, plus harmed millions of customers.
Now people are getting a raise of a few cents, meanwhile Wells Fargo's Board of Directors just awarded Charlie Scharf a massive $2.2 million raise, bumping his already sky-high compensation package up to $31.2 million for 2024. His package breaks down like this: a base salary of $2.5 million, plus a cash bonus of $7.2 million, and $21.5 million in stock that vests over time. What promises do you think Scharf is making to the investors regarding reviving a culture of intense sales pressure?
Wells Fargo's entire compensation system seems rigged. What do you think? Have you had a chance to take our new survey?
We want to hear from you! Respond to our survey about the rigged special cash bonus and annual raises.
Take our Survey! Is WF's Cash Bonus Rigged?
Compare your salary to CEO Charlie Scharf
How many years will it take you to earn what Charlie Scharf makes in 1 year? Now that Charlie Scharf has gotten his big raise, we have to update our CEO pay calculator. Last year he made $14,000 per hour, with his raise, now he makes $15,000 per HOUR. That's right. In ONE DAY, Charlie Scharf makes more in 1 day ($15,000 X 8 hr = $120,000) than most Wells Fargo employees make in an entire YEAR!
CEO Pay Comparison
Question of the Week:
Question: If my coworkers and I are ready to form a union, is the NLRB still holding elections even though there isn't a quorum?
Answer: Yes! While it is unfortunate that President Trump fired one of three Board Members at the NLRB, the NLRB is still conducting union elections and investigating Unfair Labor Practices because those functions are carried out by the NLRB Regions. While currently there are only two sitting NLRB Board members on the 5-person NLRB Board, the work conducted by the Regional Offices continues as usual. But let's hope that the vacant NLRB Board seats get filled soon with people who believe in the importance of upholding labor law and workers' rights!
We will bring you the Top #WFunion updates each week. If you have additional questions or ideas for future newsletter stories, please email us at [email protected].
Are you ready to stand with us and make positive change at Wells Fargo? Email us at [email protected] today!
Spotlight on WF antiunion actions in Wash DC
Rancho Bernardo Branch in San Diego, CA filed for union election
Lake Elsinore CA Branch files for union election