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📣CAMPAIGN UPDATE: First branch in Alabama files for union election!
Workers and Communities Organizing for Change
The Committee for Better Banks brings together bank, credit union and other finance workers to win a voice at work and form unions in order to build a more equitable and community-focused banking system. CBB also works with community and consumer advocacy groups; and other labor organizations on regulatory reforms and enforcement, fair lending policies, diversity and inclusion efforts, and other initiatives that will make our banking system better for everyone.
Wells Fargo Workers United
Forming a Union: FAQ
Recent Updates
📣CAMPAIGN UPDATE: First branch in Chicagoland files for union election!
📣CAMPAIGN UPDATE: First branch in Chicagoland files for union election!
📣CAMPAIGN UPDATE: First branch in Chicagoland files for union election!
Watch: Wells Fargo Workers Are Organizing a Union
CAMPAIGN UPDATE: Another Branch Files for Union Election!
CAMPAIGN UPDATE: Another Branch Files for Union Election!
CAMPAIGN UPDATE: Another Branch Files for Union Election!
CAMPAIGN UPDATE: Let's Celebrate the Team at the Seaside Park, NJ Branch Voting to Unionize!
CAMPAIGN UPDATE: Let's Celebrate the Team at the Seaside Park, NJ Branch Voting to Unionize!
CAMPAIGN UPDATE: Let's Celebrate the Team at the Seaside Park, NJ Branch Voting to Unionize!
CAMPAIGN UPDATE: Bankers and Tellers from 16 union branches come together for 2-day meeting
CAMPAIGN UPDATE: Bankers and Tellers from 16 union branches come together for 2-day meeting
CAMPAIGN UPDATE: Bankers and Tellers from 16 union branches come together for 2-day meeting
CAMPAIGN UPDATE: Fifteen branches organize, Florida is red hot!
CAMPAIGN UPDATE: Fifteen branches organize, Florida is red hot!
CAMPAIGN UPDATE: Fifteen branches organize, Florida is red hot!